Rod repairs: new grips and seats
The client wanted a better reel seat and grip for his production fiberglass rod. The seat is a Lemke cap and ring with a stout grip. Components were installed from the butt so that wraps and guides were not disturbed.
The new seat is a Bellinger nickel silver cap and ring with burlwood box elder wood spacer, and the grip is a full-wells with custom thumb notch. Components were installed from the butt so that wraps and guides were not disturbed.
This represents the modification for a venerable and much loved Fenwick FF858. It includes a switch grip for two-hand casting and a butt plug for use without a fighting butt.
The finished assembly. The client wished to retain the original grip as it was.
This is a Wright & McGill fiberglass fly rod kit rod. I replaced the grip and rewrapped new guides. The thread is new old stock silk "clown wrap" (multi-colored thread popular in kits during the 1960s).
Grip Study
New grips and seats - a matched set
Sage RPL Custom-built fly rod. Owner supplied replacement butt section, and I attached and refurbished the original custom-made reel seat, turned a new grip identical to the original, and attached the original Sage guides while matching the original color windings.
Matching 7'6" RPL with a new replacement tip section re-wrapped guides and original grip.